2 new PDF books are now available HERE for free download — just click both covers below!

Hello fellow isolators! As part Windsor’s COVID-19 creative community response, I am creating a set of 2 free eBooks just for YOU — one to colour, one to ponder — that connect in different ways to a project called THE SIMPLE SAMPLER, a long-form series of paper collages built out of the basic shapes found in a personal archive of hundreds of children’s colouring books. Since beginning this constraint-based exploration more than a decade ago, I have created more than a hundred individual pieces, grouping them into several bodies of work, many of which have been shown in galleries across Canada.

The first book is a 24-page printable black & white colouring book filled with line-art translations of various collage works created for THE SIMPLE SAMPLER art project … it’s the first time I’ve closed the loop on this work, returning my mutant images to the page as a way for all you dedicated self-isolators to print, colour, de-stress and enjoy!

The second book provides a broader overview of THE SIMPLE SAMPLER as an artistic project, offering a public peek at my practice of using colouring books as a source / starting point for creating a variety of mature, unique artworks meant for galleries and walls
This project has been supported by the City of Windsor’s Arts, Culture & Heritage Fund (ACHF) — for additional information on the program, visit: achfwindsor.ca