MA|DE reading at the BLASTED TREE GARDEN PARTY (Sat Aug 06, 3pm — Toronto)

💥 Save the date! We’re happy to be participating in the inaugural FERTILE FEST of New and Inventive Works in Poetry in Toronto, reading at an outdoor event on Sat Aug 06 beginning at 3pm (our first in-person reading since the pandemic began) …

— Sat Aug 06, 3pm
— at The Great Escape Book Store (957 Kingston Rd, Toronto)
— featuring: Kyle Flemmer, Aaron Tucker w/ Leslie Joy Ahenda [launching The Republic of Home] and MA|DE

See the full FERTILE FEST schedule here

The 2022 FERTILE FEST is curated by The Blasted Tree, Gap Riot Press & knife|fork|book

PERIODICITIES bpNichol Chapbook Award shortlist Interview with MA|DE — now online

💥 Periodicities (a journal of poetry and poetics) bpNichol Chapbook Award shortlist Interview with MA|DE is now online, in anticipation of the Meet the Presses’ bpNichol Chapbook Award gala next week! This is a series of 4 interviews that the site recently conducted with all the shortlisted creators … we talk to editor Rob McLennan about how A Trip to the ZZOO started, whether there will be a full-length book, how MA|DE relates to our individual work & who influences us.

Read the full interview here

Register for FREE to attend this year’s Virtual Meet the Presses Festival (including the bpNichol Chapbook Award Winner Announcement) here

— The 2021 bpNichol Chapbook Award will be announced on Nov 25 @ 7pm (more info)

‘Approaches to Collaboration’ Post-Workshop Shout-Outs!

Thank-you to everyone who attended yesterday: we LOVED doing our ‘APPROACHES TO COLLABORATION’ Workshop for VERSeFest Ottawa — it was a great opportunity to look at what we do, how it overlaps and differs with other collaborative projects, and to put some terms to the various approaches one can take …

… many thanks to Monty Reid, Avonlea Fotheringham, Stephen Brockwell & Vivian Vavassis of VERSeFest for all the behind-the-scenes help; to Manahil Bandukwala and Tom Prime for making special appearances during our presentation and discussing their own experiences with collaborations; and to Lee Parpart, John Oughton, Renee Sgroi, Carol A Stephen & Veronique Boyer for the great questions during the Q & A period!

MA|DE Interviewed on CBC’s ALL IN A DAY Radio Program

💥 We had a good time talking with Alan Neal and Sanchari Sur about our affective object (pictured below) for CBC’s ALL IN A DAY radio show in anticipation of Sanchari’s ‘Bodily Feelings: Writing Poetry Using Affective Objects’ workshop at VERSeFest on Sat Nov 13 …

— You can listen to the entire 11m47s conversation here

Reminder: our VERSeFest workshop happens Sun Nov 14 at 2pm (register now!) and we’ll be talking about the vast & exciting array of approaches to collaboration!