1 poem in TINY SPOON 7 (‘Collaborations’ issue)

We have 1 new poem, ‘They Eat Them Weeping’, in the latest print issue of Tiny Spoon (issue 7: ‘Collaborations’)

Below we offer a peek at all the various contributors appearing in issue 7 of the Collaborations issue; what an incredible catalogue of those that strive to evoke a ‘third mind’ together …

? Since there’s no online link for this one (the journal is print-only), you can read the poem below:

1 poem for WINDSOR’S RESILIENT VOICES — ‘Transit Windsor’ Public Art Project

Did we mention we received a kind letter from the Mayor of the City of Windsor recently? One of our poems, ‘Purity of Line’, appeared on Windsor Transit buses as part of the WINDSOR’S RESILIENT VOICES project curated by Black Moss Press editor Marty Gervais for National Poetry Month — happy to have been involved!

? Here’s project organizer / editor Marty Gervais promoting WINDSOR’S RESILIENT VOICES — a public project that brought poetry onto the local buses … 60+ poets were featured.

BY THE RIVER Apr 2021 Reading: now on Youtube

Thnx to everyone who attended yesterday’s BY THE RIVER lunchtime ZOOM reading — it was great to share the virtual stage with Karl Jirgens who performed some outrageous & literate works; both MA|DE members focused exclusively on presenting their solo works for this particular event, due to a time crunch we tabled our collaborative work, but hopefully we’ll read at this series again at some point in the future!

? For those who missed it, the reading is available in its entirety now at the BY THE RIVER READINGS YouTube channel here