PERIODICITIES bpNichol Chapbook Award shortlist Interview with MA|DE — now online

💥 Periodicities (a journal of poetry and poetics) bpNichol Chapbook Award shortlist Interview with MA|DE is now online, in anticipation of the Meet the Presses’ bpNichol Chapbook Award gala next week! This is a series of 4 interviews that the site recently conducted with all the shortlisted creators … we talk to editor Rob McLennan about how A Trip to the ZZOO started, whether there will be a full-length book, how MA|DE relates to our individual work & who influences us.

Read the full interview here

Register for FREE to attend this year’s Virtual Meet the Presses Festival (including the bpNichol Chapbook Award Winner Announcement) here

— The 2021 bpNichol Chapbook Award will be announced on Nov 25 @ 7pm (more info)

‘Approaches to Collaboration’ Post-Workshop Shout-Outs!

Thank-you to everyone who attended yesterday: we LOVED doing our ‘APPROACHES TO COLLABORATION’ Workshop for VERSeFest Ottawa — it was a great opportunity to look at what we do, how it overlaps and differs with other collaborative projects, and to put some terms to the various approaches one can take …

… many thanks to Monty Reid, Avonlea Fotheringham, Stephen Brockwell & Vivian Vavassis of VERSeFest for all the behind-the-scenes help; to Manahil Bandukwala and Tom Prime for making special appearances during our presentation and discussing their own experiences with collaborations; and to Lee Parpart, John Oughton, Renee Sgroi, Carol A Stephen & Veronique Boyer for the great questions during the Q & A period!

MA|DE Interviewed on CBC’s ALL IN A DAY Radio Program

💥 We had a good time talking with Alan Neal and Sanchari Sur about our affective object (pictured below) for CBC’s ALL IN A DAY radio show in anticipation of Sanchari’s ‘Bodily Feelings: Writing Poetry Using Affective Objects’ workshop at VERSeFest on Sat Nov 13 …

— You can listen to the entire 11m47s conversation here

Reminder: our VERSeFest workshop happens Sun Nov 14 at 2pm (register now!) and we’ll be talking about the vast & exciting array of approaches to collaboration!

A TRIP TO THE ZZOO Shortlisted for the 2021 bpNichol Chapbook Award!

Yes, the rumours are true: we’re honoured that our chapbook A TRIP TO THE ZZOO has been shortlisted for the 2021 BPNICHOL CHAPBOOK AWARD!

💥 We owe many thanks to our publisher, Collusion Books, especially Andy Verboom for helping us bring A TRIP TO THE ZZOO into being. Thank you also to Meet the Presses for organizing the award, and to Jordan Abel + Jennifer LoveGrove for their adjudicative work … and a round of applause our fellow esteemed shortlisters: Manahil Bandukwala & Conyer Clayton, Terese Pierre and Matthew James Weigel