💥 Save the date! We’re happy to be participating in WRITING ELSEWAYS in Toronto; our exhibit of text + collage-sculptures will be publicly launching on Fri Aug 05 from 5-7pm (our first in-person art event since the pandemic began) — at The Plumb (1655 Dufferin St, Toronto) … please join us!
“Less an exhibition than an extended experimental workshop, WRITING ELSEWAYS creates space for incomplete and in-process poetry by other means. Over a month of special programming, poet-artists Kevin Andrew Heslop, Jessica Bebenek, Rasiqra Revulva, MA|DE, Jo Ianni, Miles Forrester and the Toronto Experimental Translation Collective (TETC) will explore works and non-works that pull creative writing off the page, incorporating both expanded fields of sensory experience (visual, oral, tactile) and new conceptualizations of the poetic and the literary.”
WRITING ELSEWAYS project facilitator: John Nyman
More info about exhibitions at The Plumb here

MA|DE would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.