✨One of almost two dozen collaborative poems appearing in our largest chapbook to date, A BARELY CONCEALED DESIGN (2020, Puddles of Sky Press) — available now

• limited edition of 54 copies

This book of short constraint-based poems by MA|DE is “full of bizarre twists in language, rich images, and an electrical charge that can only come from the rubbing together of two imaginative minds.” — Michael e. Casteels

A TRIP TO THE ZZOO is now available

✨One of almost two dozen collaborative poems appearing in our largest chapbook to date, A TRIP TO THE ZZOO (2020, Collusion Books) — available now

• full-colour variant cover (wolf or deer designs)
• limited edition of 100 numbered copies

A collection of collaborative poems that in some manner mention, reference or explore animal life; the title’s variant spelling is a deliberate gesture, signalling to the reader that the poems only share a partial resemblance to the spectacle of animal exhibition at a traditional zoo. These poems often venture into the territory of ecopoetics, with environmentally-conscious through-lines being a frequent presence in the work, either implicitly or explicitly.

Now available for pre-order!

We are happy to announce that our next chapbook, A TRIP TO THE ZZOO is now available for preorder through @collusionbooks — part of a triptych of collaborative works the press will be releasing before the end of year.

We’ll have a limited number of copies which we’ll be happy to sign, DM us directly if you want us to put a copy aside for you

Solo projects for #YQGStandsStrong coming soon

As part Windsor’s COVID-19 creative community response, both members of MA|DE have received funding to complete solo art projects sponsored by the City of Windsor’s Arts, Culture & Heritage Fund (ACHF) for release online in the coming weeks, alongside projects by many local artists — stay tuned!